Estate Planning & Asset Protection

You have an estate. In fact, nearly everyone does. Your estate is comprised of everything you own:
- Your Car
- Your Home
- Other Real Estate
- Checking and Savings Accounts
- Investments
- Life insurance
- Furniture
- Personal Possessions
No matter how large or how modest your estate is, everyone has something in common—we can't take it with us when we die.
If you don’t have a plan, the state has one for you... but you probably won’t like it.
People often put off estate planning because they think they don’t own enough, they’re too young, too busy, think they have plenty of time, are confused and don’t know who can help them, or they just don’t want to think about it. But then, when something happens to them (at any age) their families are left to pick up the pieces.
We're here to help you navigate the Estate Planning process so that you can have peace of mind when it comes to your legacy.
Estate Planning & Asset Protection
Estate planning and asset protection can help you to ensure that your legacy supports the people and organizations closest to your heart for generations to come.
Your CPK Wealth Advisor will work with you and your legal team to create a carefully structured estate plan to help you safeguard and remain in control of your legacy while providing for those you care about the most. We’ll also provide an objective perspective on tax planning and trust establishment as appropriate to ensure your wealth is protected and transferred in line with your wishes.
Insurance is a key part of estate planning and asset protection. It gives certainty in the event of an accident or unexpected incident and adds structure to your estate planning and wealth transfer objectives. Should something happen to you, a suitable insurance policy can also ensure that your family and loved ones are taken care of, along with any of your philanthropic commitments.
Establishing a trust is often a preferred method of managing wealth while also ensuring it is preserved for generations to come. Your CPK Wealth Advisor will help you to choose from a range of trust products to create a structure that makes sense for you and your loved ones. We can also advise on the transfer of assets to others, charitable organizations or private foundations as part of the estate planning and asset protection process.
Choosing a trustee for your trust is not as simple as picking your favorite family member, close friend or the biggest well-known corporation. The fees charged to the trust, residency of the trustee and deciding on a person or corporation are just a few of the many considerations one must evaluate when appointing a trustee. Any one of them can dramatically impact the success and longevity of your trust. Trustees and their roles are very important. However, assigning specific roles to multiple trustees might help reduce the cost and risk to your trust.
We recognize that estate planning and asset protection can be a difficult and emotional process. Your CPK Wealth Advisor will provide guidance, strategic stewardship and extensive expertise throughout this process, giving you complete peace of mind and total control.
Start a personal conversation with us today to begin your estate and asset protection plans.